Innovation and excellence in nuclear analysis

In TECFIR / UNED we trust in the peaceful applications of the modern nuclear technology to improve society. We work developing new capabilities for nuclear analysis. They are aimed at driving innovations in two key aspects of modern society: energy and health.

According to IAE, world electricity consumption will increase by more than 70% by 2040. Today, 67% of the world's electricity is produced from fossil fuels. Triggered by climate change or scarcity, an energy transition will take place. Nuclear fusion is one of the few alternatives to make it smooth and planned: it is clean, safe, and virtually limitless. The pay-off is extraordinary complexity. An international effort is coordinated to build ITER and complement it with DONES, while DEMO is designed.

Supporting innovation in nuclear engineering for nuclear fusion, we contribute to a better future. TECFIR is a proud participant in the international community of nuclear fusion.

Firma Javier Sanz

Javier Sanz
Team leader of TECFIR

Since its early stages, nuclear physics has offered solutions to improve people's health. Nuclear engineering has evolved strongly since Marie Curie visited injured soldiers with portable X-ray sources in the trenches of World War I. Today, radiation is a fundamental means to diagnose diseases.

In recent decades, radiation has also been used as therapy for multiple diseases, and more prominently, for cancer.

Supporting innovation in nuclear engineering for health applications, we participate in the effort to improve people's quality of life.

At TECFIR, excellence in nuclear analysis is the key to long-lasting work. Excellence is sought when developing new capabilities, and so it is when we apply them to particular applications. We run an ISO9001 Quality Management System.

Firma Javier Sanz

Javier Sanz
Team leader of TECFIR

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de la UNED

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de la UNED

Calle Juan del Rosal 12, Madrid 28040, Spain