The determination of the time evolution of the radioactive inventory in a material subjected to irradiation is a major challenge. It is ruled by a system of thousands of coupled differential equations. Numerical methods in computational systems have been developed in last decades for fission or fusion specifics. ACAB is one of them, considered as the one of the most recognized tools.

Thus, ACAB is a code for the determination of the time evolution of the radioactive inventory and the related quantities. It allows determining the activity, the contact dose rate, the decay photon source, and waste management related indexes. ACAB deals with activation by neutrons, light particles and photons. Continous or pulsed irradiatio scenarios can be treated.

ACAB code was in development since 1990 first at UPM, later at UNED. It considers ORIGEN solver, developed by ORNL for fission applications, adapted to deal with the fusion particularities. ACAB has been benchmarked under auspicies of the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Department of Energy of the US. In both cases, ACAB was one of the sole two codes with positive results. Afterward, it was used as the reference code for the desing of the National Ignition Facility (NIF) in the USA. ACAB is distributed by the Nuclear Energy Agency Databank with free licensing.