We are waiting for you

Have a look at the different options to join the team and contact us!


TECFIR participates in the "master of research in industrial technologies" of UNED. This master will give you an introduction to diverse technologies related to the main industrial processes, among them energy production and radiation management.

TECFIR is in charge of the following subjects:

  • Design of accelerator driven systems for the transmutation of radioactive wastes
  • Radiation protection and safety for the design of high inensity accelerators
  • Safety and environmental impact of nuclear fusion facilities
  • Safety and environmental impact of experimental facilities and nucleoelectric plants

PhD. students

TECFIR / UNED is a young and dynamic team in expansion. We regularly incorporate PhD. students. We seek profiles of masters in Engineering or Physics.

Thematic to conduct a PhD. with TECFIR / UNED:

  • Development of computational tools:
    • Mathematical scheme for the propagation of uncertainties in the determination of decay related quantities
    • Evolution of ACAB code: exploration of alternative numerical solvers
    • Migration of UNED tools to MCNP6, verification and validation
    • Variance reduction techniques
  • Nuclear analysis and design of ITER components:
    • New analysis approaches and procedures to improve the understanding of the machine nuclear dynamics
    • ORE, ALARA and cosenquences of the nuclearization of ITER
    • Application of new tools to the design and analysis of the main ITER ports: Diagnostics, Test Blanket Modules, Antennas, Cryopumps
  • Nuclear analysis and design of DONES facility

See more details on specific positions in the Link1 and Link2.


TECFIR / UNED incorporates post-doctoral researchers. We seek profiles highly specialized in nuclear analysis, with a PhD. in the field. A minimum level of expertise in the following skills is necessary:

  • Programming in FORTRAN, phyton or C++ languages
  • Treatment of complex CAD geometries and translation to MCNP formats
  • Monte Carlo radiation codes, preferentially MCNP or MCNPX
  • Variance reduction techniques for Monte Carlo codes
  • Activation codes, preferentially ACAB, FISPACT or ALARA
  • Determination of decay radiation fields, preferentially with R2S or D1S methods
  • High quality reporting in technical English

TECFIR / UNED offers an unique research environment where post-doc researchers can get involved in major nuclear analysis research projects, lead their own research line and grow as scientist.

Internships and lecturers

TECFIR / UNED exchanges researchers with international institutions to conduct common research activities. In addition, researchers can be invited to contribute lectures in tematic of the interest of TECFIR / UNED. Other modalities to host researchers are available.