ITER reactor

Enhancing the nuclear analysis for a better world


We promote the excellence in nuclear analysis

Nuclear fusion reactors

TECFIR / UNED is a leading team worldwide in the provision of nuclear analysis for the most relevant nuclear fusion reactors and facilities. For magnetic fusion reactors, we hold research contracts with ITER project, and with EUROfusion for the design of DEMO reactors. In the recent past, we have been also involved in the design and analysis of inertial fusion reactors, with facilities like NIF and HiPER .

Particle accelerators

TECFIR / UNED is a leading team worldwide in the provision of nuclear analysis for the most relevant nuclear fusion reactors and facilities. For magnetic fusion reactors, we hold research contracts with ITER project, and with EUROfusion for the design of DEMO reactors. In the recent past, we have been also involved in the design and analysis of inertial fusion reactors, with facilities like NIF and HiPER .

Computational capabilities

TECFIR / UNED makes use of the most advances methodologies for the radiation transport and activation determination available to the community. In addition, we develop our own tools, world-wide recognized, to cover the gaps in certain fields. About 10 million of hour are spent every year in diverse High Performance Computing facilities. Among others, TECFIR / UNED operates its own supercomputer.

Join the team!

We are a young and dynamic group in expansion. As a research team in a public university, in TECFIR / UNED we deploy teaching activities. We incorporate undergraduate & master students, PhD. and post-doctoral researchers in a regular basis. If you are interested in joining the team, do not hesitate to contact.


Research activities

TECFIR was founded in 1990. It is an international research team dedicated to the development of computational tools and its application to solve problems in the design of facilities in the presence of radiation fields. Main highlights are:

  • TECFIR is integrated in UNED and participates of Insituto de Fusión Nuclear at UPM.
  • TECFIR conducts our research under an international Quality Management System ISO 9001. See it here.
  • The computational tools developed by TECFIR, like ACAB, MCUNED, R2SUNED, D1SUNED are best considered worlwide in their ambits
  • TECFIR received mixed funding from Spanish public institutions and by developing tailored research projects with clients
  • TECFIR signed in 2016 a Memorandum of Understanding with ITER Organization to boost common research lines and regularly exchange researchers. See it here.
  • TECFIR currently holds research contracts with: ITER Organization, Fusion for Energy, Ciemat, EUROfusion, IDOM, Fircroft,...
  • TECFIR operates a supercomputer of over 1,000 processes devoted 24/7 to nuclear analysis activies.
  • TECFIR regularly incorporates researchers at PhD. and post-doc levels. See more here and here.

Teaching activities

The management of knowledge in nuclear engineering is key to success in a context of renovation of technologies and retirement of golden generation. TECFIR pays significant efforst to teach the next generation of nuclear analysts. Main highlights are:

  • TECFIR is member of Fusenet, the European Fusion Network Association to coordinate with European universities the teaching of master and PhD. programs covering aspects of the nuclear fusion
  • TECFIR participates in the H2020 project called ENEN+ for the spreading of the nuclear engineering at all levels of teaching in the European Union
  • TECFIR teaches diverse nuclear engineering subjects in the "Master en Investigación en Tecnologías Industriales" and others, at UNED
  • TECFIR accumulates over 30 master projects, and 10 PhD. in the last 5 years, all of them related to radiation transport and prediction of the radioactive inventory of materials under irradiation


You can learn more about us in the following links: